Joseph Cardinal Bernadine Assembly 3056 Welcomes You
Final Wish Document
Final Wish Document

Tempus fugit Momento Mori.

The Fourth Degree has several traditions by which we honor a Sir Knight when he passes.

A Sir Knight in good standing at his passing is entitled to the following honors.

- At the visitation an honor guard of Sir Knights in regalia is posted at the head and foot of the coffin.
- As part of our annual dues we contribute to a chalice fund. When the Sir Knight passes, his name is engraved on a chalice. At the visitation the chalice is presented to the family. The chalice will be sent to the priest, parish, or to a needy mission that you or your family designates and will be used daily in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In this way the Sir Knight will be remembered always.
- At the visitation, if the Sir Knight owned a sword, his sword is presented to his oldest son or to a designated family member.
- An honor Guard of Sir Knights in regalia will be in attendance at the funeral Mass. The honor guard will salute the Sir Knight as he is brought into the Church and once again at the end of Mass.

When a Sir Knight passes, it is not the time for the family to be faced with any additional decisions to make. To assist the family and help the Assembly, we have developed a “My Final Wishes” form. A copy of the form is shown below and can be downloaded by right clicking on the icon at the bottom of the page.

With this document you will have the opportunity to designate:
- If you want the Honor Guard present at the visitation
- If you want the Honor Guard present at the funeral Mass
- What you want done with the chalice.
- If you have a sword, to whom it should be presented

All Sir Knights are requested to complete and sign the form. One copy is emailed to the Assembly Comptroller at and another should be kept with your important papers. You should periodically review the form to see if you want to make any changes. Most importantly, discuss the form and these traditions with your family.

Final Wish Document